Gmail Tips

Gmail is Google’s free email service that enables users to send and receive e-mail over the Internet. You can access Gmail at If you already have a Gmail account, please login to gmail to use, or gmail sign up if you haven’t.

Create a Blogger Using Gmail Account

Creating a blog from Blogger is simple, just sign up for a Gmail account log in to Then you can start creating your blog from Blogger.

How to create a simple blog from Blogger?

First, you need to have a Gmail account. If you have not already, you can refer to the following article: Gmail sign up


Then, you proceed as follows:

STEP 1Access and sign in to Blogger with your Gmail account using the link:


STEP 2: In the Blogger interface, select “CREATE NEW BLOG”.


STEP 3: You choose the name, path of your Blog page and basic Blog template. And click “Create Blog“.


STEP 4: Once the creation process is complete, you will be able to write articles and view the look of your Blog.


You already know how to create blogspot from google’s Blogger. It’s simple.